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Preparation: 30 minutes - Cooking time: 30min

Serves 4 people

  • 1/2 Normandy Camembert E. Grain d’Orge

  • 2 pie crust

  • 200g fresh spinach sprouts

  • 200g Charlotte potato

  • 50g unsalted butter

  • 3 shallots

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 80g sour cream

  • 100g small smoked bacon

  • Pepper


Wash and peel the potatoes and steam for 15 minutes.

Scrape the Camembert’s skin a little, cut into small cubes. Cut the potatoes into cubes the same size. Wash the spinach, drain well, then chop coarsely.

Preheat oven to 180 ° C, th 6.

Cut dough into 4 square pieces each so that their sides are larger than that of the pan. Butter 4 individual dishes with high sides, line each dish with squares of dough, leaving excess dough over the edge. Divide each ingredient in the 4 baking dishes, add pepper. Set on top the last 4 squares of dough, and fold and crimp the edges with your fingertip, roll them. Beat the egg yolk with a little water and then brush over the dough.

Bake 30 minutes. Serve hot.


Tips and tricks: rub the potatoes with garlic before adding them to the dish.

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