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By browsing the site aufromagerderungis.com, (the Site), you acknowledge, as user, that you are aware of the terms of use appearing below together with the specific terms and conditions concerning certain services on the Site, and that you accept the terms thereof.

1.     Legal information

The Publisher of the Site is the company PRODILAC with a registered capital of 40 000 Euros, having its registered offices at Route neuve à - 50890 CONDE SUR VIRE, France, registered in the Coutances Trade and Companies Register under the number 389.297.714.

Tel: +33

VAT identification number: FR59389297714

Contact: antoine.boyer@prodilac.com


Publication director: Monsieur Antoine Boyer  (name of the legal representative)


Hosting of the Site:

Name: Orange Business Services

Address: 6 Place d'Alleray - 75505 Paris Cedex 15 - France

Tel : + 33 1 44 44 22 22


Website created by :


125, avenue du 8 mao 1945

94170 Le Perreux sur Marne

Tel : 01 80 91 61 02



Photos credits : 

Joy Forgas-Deplanche
23 Rue de l'Annonciation F-75016 Paris 
+33 (0) 6 83 38 07 25 



Ownership rights over the Site and the content

The Site and all of its content (especially, commercial trademarks and logos, all of the graphical, text and digital elements of the Site, including directory structure, formatting, articles, presentations, illustrations, photographs, and/or any other document are protected by French and international laws on copyright  and intellectual property.

No licence or right to use these elements may be construed or implied hereunder.

In this respect, any display, reproduction, embedding, dissemination, broadcast, rebroadcast and redistribution, in whole or in part, is prohibited (Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code). Any person who does so without being able to prove prior authorisation by the holder of these rights will be subject to the penalties applying to infringement and counterfeiting (Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code). The Publisher of the Site may rely on its rights, including its intellectual property rights, to bring any and all proceedings including criminal prosecution.

The Publisher of the Site reserves the right to improve or modify, at any time, the information, products, programmes or terms of use described on the Site, and shall not bear any liability as a consequence. The applicable terms, conditions and statements are those in force on the date of your connection to the Site. 

2. Hypertext links

Users recognise and acknowledge that if they are redirected to a third party site via any hypertext link to another site, the Publisher of the Site does not have any control over the content, information, goods and services offered on those sites. Therefore, the Publisher of the Site cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use of sites which may be accessed via hypertext links.

Likewise, the Publisher of the Site is not liable for hypertext links that point to the Site.

Any person who wishes to provide hypertext links pointing to the Site must obtain the prior written authorisation of the Publisher of the Site.

3. Limitation of warranty

The Publisher of the Site reminds web users of the characteristics and limits of the internet. The Publisher of the Site cannot be held liable for any loss or damage arising from access to the Site or, on the contrary, the impossibility of gaining access to it. The Publisher of the Site may not under any circumstances be held liable in the event that the Site is unavailable for any reason whatsoever (technical fault, network overload, etc.).

The user expressly accepts that he/she uses the Site at his/her own risk and under his/her own responsibility. The Publisher of the Site cannot be held liable for any loss or damage whether direct or indirect, intangible or physical, caused to users, their computer hardware or telecommunications equipment, the data stored thereupon and any consequences that may arise for their personal, professional or commercial activities.

The information on the Site is provided solely as an indication. Information published on this Site is updated and verified periodically but may contain errors. This information must be taken into account at the time it is placed online and not at the time of consultation of the Site (such data may have been updated between the time you downloaded it and the time that you examine it). In any event, the Publisher of the Site cannot be liable for any such information.

4. Access to password-protected zones 

Access to password-protected zones is reserved solely to authorised persons. The user undertakes not to attempt to force access to these zones, including in particular by usurping the identity, access code or address of another user. Any authorised person who attempts to access these zones may be the subject of legal proceedings.

5. Trade marks

Au Fromager de Rungis  have been filed as trademarks.

All rights reserved copyright © - (2015/ Prodilac) 

6. Use of the Site

The Publisher of the Site provides the Site mainly for the use of its customers and any person who wishes to find out about its goods and services.

When you connect to the Site:

When you fill in a form and provide information, you undertake:

In the event of infringement of these provisions, the Publisher of the Site reserves the right to prohibit access to the Site or to the offered services, without this limiting its right to bring any claims against you.

7. Scope / jurisdiction

These terms and conditions apply to all users whatsoever, without limit in time or space.

You accept that any dispute that may arise from the use of the Site shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts and French law.

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