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Ingredients: (serves 6)

  • 2 tenderloin between 300 and 400g each

  • 200g Brie de Melun

  • 1 tablespoon cornflour

  • ¼ liter of milk

  • 15g butter

  • 2 tablespoons oil

  • Salt and pepper


Heat butter and oil. Sear and brown tenderloins over high heat in a cooking pot or cast iron pan on all sides. Then cover and simmer for about 45 minutes (pork should be cooked without being dried out).

Meanwhile, scrape with a knife only the white rind of the Brie cheese. Cut into cubes and melt over low heat in a nonstick pan. While the cheese melts, put the cornstarch in a small glass and mix properly with 2 teaspoons of milk. 

Once the Brie is melted, slightly increase the heat, then add cornflour preparation stirring until cheese preparation thickens.

Gradually add cold milk, stirring constantly until you obtain a creamy sauce (it should not be too thick, but still needs to coat the spoon). Set aside.

When tenderloins are cooked, cut into 1 cm thick slices and arrange them on each plate. Pour melted Brie in the cooking sauce, put back on stove and mix well. Coat the slices of meat in this creamy sauce and serve hot.

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