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Serves 4 people

  • 800 gr charlotte potatoes

  • 15 cl dry white wine

  • 25 cl liquid cream

  • 4 thin slices of ham, Aveyron or Auvergne

  • 150g grated Laguiole cheese

  • Some fresh thyme flowers

  • Salt and pepper


Heat the oven to 210 ° C.

Peel and rinse the potatoes. Cook in salted boiling water for about 12 minutes. Drain, then cut them into thin slices.

Mix the white wine and cream.

Cut the ham into thin strips.

Butter a baking dish thoroughly.

Spread half the potatoes and half of the ham in baking dish.

Pour over half of all the white wine and cream mixture, salt and pepper, crumble thyme flowers, then cover with half of the grated Laguiole 

Add the remaining potatoes and ham, pour the remaining cream mixture and white wine, a little salt and pepper, then add the remaining cheese 

If the preparation does not come up to the level of the potatoes, then add a little cream.

Bake 45 minutes in the oven. The gratin should be golden.

Serve hot, by itself, with a salad, or as an side with meat.

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